Praxis communities seek to put theory into practice.

Praxis Communities started in Southern Ohio and represent a collection of faithful communities and experiments. We are inspired by the work of Fresh Expressions and Emergent Theory. We strive to share the wisdom we have learned along the way and the faith practices that have been transformative for us. These blog posts are some of what we have learned in our travels and alongside the communities that have shaped us. None of us create anything alone - and so the voices and perspectives that are represented here, are some of the people that were instrumental in cultivating praxis communities over the years.

We hope to add more stories and reflections as we meet others who are growing new expressions of faith and practice in our time. We believe that the church is most alive in the places where we are living our faith in community - these include churches, new worshipping communities, intentional communities, campus ministries, community not-for-profits, art galleries, and small groups of people who share meals, prayer, and creativity. May you find inspiration here.